the pop’s pictures.

These are adorable. Wedding photographer Jason Lee decided to turn the camera from the brides and grooms to his two daughters, and apparently the girls aren’t quite old enough yet to refuse all parental requests.  The photos are creative, the girls are so cute (and compliant!), and I’m a sucker for sweet Dad/Daughter stuff.

Hope the girls are getting a few extra bucks in their weekly allowance for being such ready models.


the city escape.

For the most part, I believe in moderation (exceptions include icing on a cupcake– the more the better, exercise– give me something high intensity or I’d rather not put on workout clothes). Given this middle of the road approach, I know that the life pictured on the blog below is not for me. I’m not one of those (practically omnipresent these days) people who wants to have a vegetable garden and feel the soil between his/her toes. I feel no compunction to have a herd of various animals. I mean, Whole Foods is one of my happy places. Still, I’m not a confirmed city person either– the traffic and honking horns and sprawl exhaust me. I’ve never looked at a skyline at night and thought, “That’s beautiful,” though I know many people have and do. My lovely friend Erin sent me this little poem a few weeks ago, and while I feel melodramatic saying I identify, it does sum up the feeling on the drearier days.

In a Station of the Metro

The apparition of these faces in the crowd;

Petals on a wet, black bough.

On those days, teleporting somewhere like the places on Cabin Porn sounds phenomenal. The site collects pictures of secluded rustic homes all around the world. Take a look!

Most of the photos have captions. The one for the picture above is “The farmer ‘next door’ supplies us with fresh milk, eggs, cottage cheese, butter, hams, strawberries, chanterelles, blueberries, green onions… His daughter bakes cakes on Saturdays. If we’re around, she bakes one extra for us.”

Country life sounds nice. Maybe I could give up the close proximity to Target…


the horse and hound.

(I don’t love Notting Hill, but Hugh Grant’s panic-induced flub re: writing for Horse & Hound in order to speak with Julia Roberts is one of the funnier parts)

I came across these photographs the other day, and they certainly caught my eye. They’re done by Swedish photographer Ulrika Kestere, and they’re based on a fairy tale about a young girl whose laundry flies away. The responsible girl embarks on a journey to track down her various garments, and she discovers that they’ve taken on a life of their own. Here are some of the photographs.

Honestly…I’m not a fan. I think the idea is cool, but I think the visual would be better done with an illustrator or one’s imagination. These pictures creep me out a bit. It looks like colorful roadkill. Am I the lone naysayer? You can read more about the project and see more of the photos on Kestere’s blog, here.

For something I completely enjoy (and for the second part of the post’s title), there’s Maddie the Coonhound. Described as a “super serious project about dogs and physics,” the site is a collection of pictures of Maddie (my dear old dog’s name, too) in funny places, poised on strange things, and just generally being a good spot.

Check all the pictures of Maddie on things out here.